Industrial Pneumatic

Industrial Pneumatic

Course Code: 501

Course Duration: 3 days

Required Prerequisites: Suitable for participants at all levels.

Course Objectives: To teach the structure and working principles of pneumatic circuit elements. Teaching basic level pneumatic control circuits, working principles of circuit elements and giving necessary knowledge and skills to establish circuit.

Content of the Course

Preparation, distribution and conditioning of compressed air,
Introduction of the energy production unit,
Compressor types, working principles and maintenance,
Teaching tanks, air distribution systems,
Dryer types, working principles and maintenance,
Introducing the conditioner elements and teaching the lubricant setting. Explaining the damages caused by excessive lubrication to the system,
The effect of wasted air on energy cost,
Internal structure of pneumatic elements, working principles and detection of malfunctioning elements,
According to the ISO 1219 standard, the symbols of the circuit elements and the logic contained in the symbols,
Examination of control techniques and types.
Location control
Speed ​​dependent control
Pressure dependent control
Time dependent control
Counting control
Teaching the pneumatic circuit drawing technique and drawing the circuits related to the control types and making the applications of these circuits during the course.
Health and safety
While all this is done, the participant sets up the pneumatic circuits that he created by putting forward his own personal skills with real elements used in automation and practically tries what he has learned. Thus, the quality of education increases and permanence is provided.
Target Audience: Maintenance and operating personnel, constructors, assembly, technicians, technicians, foremen, technical teachers, engineers and those involved.

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